Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Abstraction is one of the principles of object oriented programming. It is used to display only necessary and essential features of an object to outside the world. Means displaying what is necessary and encapsulate the unnecessary things to outside the world. Hiding can be achieved by using access modifiers.

Note - Outside the world means when we use reference of object then it will show only necessary methods and properties and hide methods which are not necessary.
Example: Capsule Medicine
Encapsulation and abstraction is the advanced mechanism in C# that lets your program to hide unwanted code within a capsule and shows only essential features of an object. Encapsulation is used to hide its members from outside class or interface, whereas abstraction is used to show only essential features.
In C# programming, Encapsulation uses five types of modifier to encapsulate data. These modifiers are public, private, internal, protected and protected internal. These all includes different types of characteristics and makes different types of boundary of code.
Access Modifier
Description (who can access)
Only members within the same type.  (default for type members)
Only derived types or members of the same type.
Only code within the same assembly. Can also be code external to object as long as it is in the same assembly.  (default for types)
Protected internal
Either code from derived type or code in the same assembly. Combination of protected OR internal.
Any code. No inheritance, external type, or external assembly restrictions.

public abstract class Car
        //you cant declare private access specifier
        public abstract void StartCar();

        public void dispay()
            Console.WriteLine("Concrete Method");

    public class Audi : Car
        #region Overrides of Car

        public override void StartCar()
            Console.WriteLine("Audi StartCar");


    public class BMW : Car
        #region Overrides of Car

        public override void StartCar()
            Console.WriteLine("BMW StartCar");

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Car obj = new BMW();

Output: Concrete Method
        BMW StartCar

Increase font size of MYSQL query box

xampp > phpMyAdmin > themes > pmahomme > css
open the following file with your text editor
and add the following line to the very bottom of the file
.CodeMirror pre {font-size:1.4em;}
Now save the file and that should do it!
(if phpMyAdmin is using a different theme to pmahomme then just add that line
of code to every codemirror.css.php file you can find!

Google's new 'inspired by India' product, YouTube Go

Google says they have been researching on YouTube Go in India for the past one year. Looking at the issues people face and the lengths people go to in order to view videos on YouTube, international tech giant, Google has come up with Youtube Go, inspired by India. 

Google will be launching Youtube Go next year in India. Google had earlier launch YouTube Offline in the country that was very popular among the users. For the new product, YouTube Go, Google has mainly worked on four important aspects connectivity, cost, relatable and social.

Here’s how the product works and why it makes sense for India. In terms of connectivity, it is designed to work in areas with low or no connectivity. Users can choose whether they want to view the videos on Youtube Go in low and standard resolution. With the new product that is designed for India, users can also save videos for later on YouTube Go and share the downloaded videos with just one click. 

In order to make the product reach all across the country, Google will also make YouTube Go available in 10 different Indic languages. The page is going to be a lot simpler with just 10 videos on the home page. YouTubers can go on and experience the product. 

YouTube Go is inspired by India but it will be made available across many markets for Google. The product does touch on many key issues YouTube users face in India starting from poor connectivity to high data cost to language barriers.