Suppose it may happen, customer purchase something from your website but after successful transaction, you come to know that particular product is not in stock.
Now you have to give refund to that customer as a credit amount so customer can use that amount in future.
For that do following:
1.Go to customers section
2.go to that particular customer
3.There, you will see “Transactions” tab. Press it and enter amount and description. Click Add Transaction.
4.That’s it. Now your customer get credit and mail also send to that customer (Tested in OP 2)
Now you have to give refund to that customer as a credit amount so customer can use that amount in future.
For that do following:
1.Go to customers section
2.go to that particular customer
3.There, you will see “Transactions” tab. Press it and enter amount and description. Click Add Transaction.
4.That’s it. Now your customer get credit and mail also send to that customer (Tested in OP 2)